Pre-pack Administration and TUPE
The CJEU has held in a Dutch case that administration (including “pre-packs”) is not primarily aimed at liquidating the undertaking. Therefore employees...
739 Results
The CJEU has held in a Dutch case that administration (including “pre-packs”) is not primarily aimed at liquidating the undertaking. Therefore employees...
The Employment Tribunal has stated that not paying full salary to a father who is taking shared parental leave is direct sex...
A clever idea by a senior executive backfired in the case of ICAP Management Services Limited –v- Bury. Mr Bury had given...
The Chancery Division has held in MPT Group v Peel that two relatively senior employees did not have to reveal their intentions...
The assessment of whether an employee has a strong connection to the UK is an objective test rather than a subjective test...
In J v K, the EAT held that the appellant could not rely on vague medical evidence to get an extension of...
It has been held that, where the making of a disclosure was the principal reason for a dismissal, the decision taker’s belief...
In Lidl v CAC, the Court of Appeal held that single small units of an employer’s workforce should be subject to compulsory...
In Fulton v Bear Scotland, the EAT held that the employment tribunal was right to consider itself bound by the earlier EAT...
In Hartley v King Edward VI College, the Supreme Court held that if teachers lawfully strike for one day, the employer can...
The EAT has held that there is not a particularly high threshold required for an employer to meet when dismissing an employee...