Employment Law Newsletter – April 2015
Welcome to our April 2015 Employment Law Newsletter, keeping you up to date with changes in employment law and informing you of...
740 Results
Welcome to our April 2015 Employment Law Newsletter, keeping you up to date with changes in employment law and informing you of...
Do you have a policy in place? Have you decided what value of pay you will apply? Have you decided whether you...
The change to the ACAS Code of Practice on disciplinaries reflects the EAT Judgment in Toal -v- GB Oils and came into...
In this case the EAT had to consider whether an employer had constructive knowledge of an employee’s disability where the employer had...
Mr Locke had claimed that the commission he had earned should be taken into account when calculating his holiday pay so that...
The Voice of the Child Dispute Resolution Advisory Group (the Group), has published its final report dated March 2015. It was set...
Welcome to the latest departmental newsletter from Davis Blank Furniss. Our focus this time is on our Corporate and Commercial team. DeBrieF...
Davis Blank Furniss is pleased to announce that Jessica Greenhalgh has completed her training programme after qualifying on 16th March 2015. Jessica...
Welcome to our March 2015 Employment Law Newsletter, keeping you up to date with changes in employment law and informing you of...
Yesterday there was a landmark (and much publicised) ruling in the case of Wyatt v Vince which saw the wife being given...
When parents choose to divorce or separate, important decisions have to be made about care arrangements for their children. As parents work...